Quarantine Tip: You should take occasional breaks to recharge your batteries. Here are some Netflix recommendations from our friends. Get ready to Netflix and Grow with our playlist. Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru (2016):The big impact and key takeaway is summarized in this quote “Every day, work harder on yourself than anything else. ‘Cause if you become more intelligent, more valuable, more skilled, you can add more value to other people.”- Tony Robbins.Get ready to be inspired and to reduce your stress load with this documentary, it is seriously life changing.
TED Talks: Life Hacks (2015): TED Talks are A GREAT way to be exposed to new ideas as well as some traditional ideas reinstated in modern time. Short for Technology, Education and Design, TED talks will feed your appetite for learning more. This is a great series to watch to stay motivated and to gain knowledge during this time.
Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2012): This is a neat documentary because it goes into Ono’s strategy that involves unwavering commitment to quality and perfection. The documentary follows Ono’s hand off of his sushi restaurant to his son. One of the critics said Ono’s son will have to be 2 times better than what he is now to just be equal to his father, talk about a lot of pressure and high expectations. The reason why our team loves this documentary is because it shows that no matter how small of an operation you have, you can have HUGE success.
Freakonomics (2010): My love for Freakonomics goes back to 2005 when I read the book; it seemed like so much randomness, but it was all tied together with the theme of challenge what you know. I absolutely love how it challenges you to look at things not as they are, but as what they could be or even what they were meant to be. I love the challenge of looking deeper into a situation and not just taking it for what you're being told it is. But spoiler alert, this might even spark a little bit of your conspiracy theorist tendencies, it makes you want to question everything. The process of gaining knowledge is questioning what you don't know and, in this case, even what you do know. This movie gives you the permission to challenge conventional wisdom.
WOW, that was a lot of goodies on Netflix. We hope this can guide and inspire you to use this time as an opportunity to learn and to grow. As always, our team is here for you. We are always busy planning job fairs, community meetings and workshops throughout Arizona BUT we are always available for you.
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